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- Q: How much does NoCo Aerial Imaging‘s services cost?
A: NoCo Aerial Imaging has a set fee table for real estate projects based on location, property, and dwelling size. For all other projects, NoCo Aerial Imaging will provide an estimate for the project based on information gathered in the project discovery. Depending on the circumstances, we may need to visit the proposed location to orient ourselves with the site and potentially draft a preflight plan. All projects go through a discovery checklist that includes an airspace evaluation, local regulation review, proposed flight path, terrain coverage, equipment needs, and estimated post processing time, among many others. We are more than happy to discuss the specifics of your project at your convenience.
- Q: Is NoCo Aerial Imaging insured?
A: Yes. NoCo Aerial Imaging carries and maintains liability coverage. We can tailor our coverage should your project require specific insurance needs.
- Q: What type of equipment does NoCo Aerial Imaging use?
A: We have a variety of drones and remotes in our inventory in order to meet the requirements of each unique project. In our experience, there is not a single configuration that is one size fits all. For example, aerial landscape photography requires a stable platform with a high-resolution camera, appropriate lens filters, and longer flight times, whereas real estate listings are typically — though, not always, lower-resolution, have shorter flight times, and may benefit from a smaller, quieter platform. For mapping missions, a drone with a mechanical shutter and to the centimeter location accuracy, typically via additional GPS equipment, are necessary. For sporting events, we prefer a platform that moves quickly, can capture hi-resolution images and video, and has optical zoom capabilities. At this time, none of our drones capture audio natively, however; we are able to capture ambient audio and sync to aerial video if the mission calls for it.
- Q: What services does NoCo Aerial Imaging offer?
A: NoCo Aerial Imaging specializes in aerial digital photography and video from drone platforms. All of our pilots are FAA Part 107 certified and current. We offer aerial imaging for real estate, sports coverage, landscape, construction sites, before-during-after, and events. We DO NOT provide survey or inspection services, as we are not surveyors or inspectors.
- Q: Does NoCo Aerial Imaging offer ground-based professional photography services?
A: Yes and No. NoCo Aerial Imaging does not offer professional ground photography is the sense that we’re for hire professional photographers. For instance, we’re not typical wedding, or portrait photographers. We offer a new perspective via aerial photography and video, which is a very different kind of service. In fact, this is one of the reasons we’re often hired — to provide a unique perspective of a memorable event such as a wedding. While we have staff members that have extensive photography backgrounds, we do not provide standard ground-based photography as a service. With that said, it’s common for NoCo Aerial Imaging to use handheld DSLR and other digital cameras while on site either to compliment our aerial imagery, or, more frequently, to provide reference points for post production.
- Q: I’ve heard that drones are illegal to fly in my area, is that true?
A: All airspace in the United States is controlled by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). The FAA is technically the only entity that can legally enact laws regarding US Airspace and has ultimate authority over it. While landowners in the US may own the airspace above their land, easement of the airspace is automatically granted to the FAA as part of being a landowner. Drones and other Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems (sUAS) are considered aircraft which makes them and their pilots subject to FAA Regulations. This means that it is legal for an sUAS, or any other aircraft, to transit over private property as long as the airspace is clear to do so and or the proper FAA authorizations have been secured. However, local governments have the right to enact laws regarding how drones and other sUAS are used in their jurisdiction. For instance, privacy, harassment, voyeurism, nuisance, and location of takeoff, landing, and operation are often considered or are the subjects of local laws and regulations and are legally enforceable irrespective of FAA regulations.
Clearly, using a drone to spy on others is immoral and illegal in most locations, and a sUAS loitering over private property or flying near its dwellings is definitely suspect. Of course, just because a drone is in the air does not and should not automatically mean it is spying on someone. Quite often drones are used to photograph homes that are, or soon to be up for sale, and outside of safety, the pilot’s sole focus is that home and associated property. Oftentimes, in this scenario the sUAS will be momentarily over other properties to get the desired angle for the photo. There’s nothing nefarious going on. In fact, commercial Part 107 Pilots, including NoCo Aerial Imagings’ pilots, typically make themselves visible during flight and approachable while not in-flight. Many pilots, if not most, are happy to discuss their mission with reasonable onlookers. If you do approach a sUAS pilot, please be respectful of everyone’s safety and wait to engage them until they have landed their aircraft.
- Q: How does NoCo Drones provide the images and or video files to the customer?
A: It is standard practice for NoCo Aerial Imaging to conduct post-processing of the files after the location shoot has concluded. Post-processing usually happens at the office and final deliverables are provided to the end-user as specified in the quote. Different projects require different post-processing software and hardware based on the requirements of the deliverable. We can, and do format and deliver all files based on the client’s needs whether they be via FTP, thumb-drive, hard-drive, or, in some cases, email. Often, final deliverables are very large files and aren’t well suited for electronic delivery; physical drives are typically required in these instances. Deliverables are determined in the discovery phase and documented in the final project quote. We’re very flexible, so be sure to mention any specific needs you have when you discuss your project with us.
- Q: Does NoCo Aerial Imaging have stock video and images that are available to licence for non-NCAI projects?
A: We have a significant amount of stock available to licence; though, we do not currently have it available to browse online — yet. We are evaluating online platforms that fit our, and our customer’s needs. If you know what you are looking for, please contact us and let us know. We’re happy to show you what we have in our stock that may meet your specific needs. If not, we may be able to go shoot it for you.